Pocket Bucket is a bucket list app that allows users to create lists and sublists, add and check off goals, explore new goal ideas, follow friends, add photos, and more. The project as a whole consists of the mobile app prototype, responsive promotional website, branding guide, and promotional video behind Pocket Bucket.

In an effort to better comprehend the effects of COVID-19 on travel, I gathered and utilized data from reliable sources to visualize the comparative data between March and April of 2019 and March and April of 2020. Categories include total domestic flights, total passengers, domestic flights cancelled, busiest airports, and passenger numbers of busiest airports.

Affinity Desserts is an elegant, sit-down desserterie that caters to your every after-dinner craving. This responsive website allows you to explore the menu, learn about Affinity’s background, make reservations, and more.

Stemming from a personal love for Marvel’s superhero series X-Men, I created three Instagram effects, or filters, that represent the characters Cyclops, Magneto, and Wolverine. Instagram users can find and use the effects for themselves using their Instagram camera.

Unlike other beauty and health boxes, Bloom is designed specifically for pre-teen and teen girls who not only want to learn about beauty and health products, but also want to have fun along the way. Bloom focuses heavily on fostering positivity and self-confidence in one’s appearance as well as one’s self. The company’s makeup products are curated with this pre-teen to teen age group specifically in mind – no heavy or super dark products are included in Bloom boxes – and all of our boxes feature fabulous, all-natural bath and body products.

In an effort to capture the bold, fast-paced style of pop rapper Iggy Azalea, I implemented a flashy, bright color palette throughout the project. While the success of the kinetic typography is rooted in thoughtful transitions, movement, and speed, the print design spreads feature vibrant photography, hand-done typography, and deliberate layouts.

Ridekick is a mobile application that easily connects motorcycle riders. The app offers a variety of features and allows the user to create and join rides, post road hazards, view and post motorcycle sales, join monthly Ride For A Cause events, and more. As a motorcycle rider myself, I find so much enjoyment in riding, but have no friends who share my affinity for motorcycles; hence, Ridekick was created as a solution for those who share this problem, as Ridekick offers users a way to find friends with whom they can ride.

With men’s professional sports generally dominating in national and worldwide popularity, I sought to shed more light on the significance of female athletes through a promotional series. The Governor Mifflin Girls’ Lacrosse team embodies the strength, grit, and athleticism not only within their own team, but within women’s sports as a whole. In an effort to communicate this theme, I gave careful consideration to lighting and photography, composition, typography, and appropriate editing techniques.